
„The Kaleidoskop a frame of unfolding“


Arrived. I get out of the car. The door behind me slowly slips out of my hands. Almost silently it falls into place.
A dull clatter.
I bend down to pick up what interrupted me - A kaleidoscope, where did that come from?
Bewildered I put it in my trousers.

It is loud. Around me, quiet. Only the hull of the kaleidoscope rattles with each step.

I roam around.

Two feet. The ground – a gentle relationship.
No intersections, more like tangents.
So close together and yet so far away.

The silence gently surrounding me, is getting interrupted again and again.
Thoughts are crushing in.
Deeper and deeper my knees sink. An inner tumbling begins.
A tree. I brace myself. Slowly I slide down the trunk, the edges of the bark graze my palms. I am too weak.


Droning waves of sound.
A reach into my back pocket, the kaleidoscope, it makes sitting a little uncomfortable. A trance-like state takes over me as I dare to peer through the tiny opening of the "magic machine".
I am stunned.

Only blandly in the echoing space of emptiness I do hear:
[voice of Gomde]: 'Sit. Let yourself drift. Just trust and arrive."

Lines like little scraps of paper shoot through my darkened interior. Stress.
Thoughts and impressions, that were hiding between the noisy city bustle and everydays life, are now bouncing from one side to the other, recoiling off the shell of my appearance and cause my mental state to resonate.
A kind of substance alternating between body and spirit, the earthly and the extraterrestrial.
Caught up with my inner self.
I am being played.
This restless realm is, as far as we know, not a comfortable place. [1] Powerless. Knocked out. We, the adaptive bio-machines. [2]

"[Voice of Gomde]: Listen to your environment. Use every distraction as an object of meditation and they cease to be distractions. [3]"

Someone speaks.
With each twist and sway of the small, mirrored tube, a feeling of deluging overcomes me.
Fragments of thoughts become images; lines begin to intersect. A kind of labyrinthine meeting takes place.

"[Voice of Gomde]: "Learn this from the water: loudly ripples the stream, but the depth of the ocean is calm. What is not full makes noise. What is full is quiet." Breathe, let it be your anchor. [4]

A gong


Vibration. As if maltreated by tiny needle points, my thoughts begin to obey. I start running in my mind – but backwards, seeking out the pavilion I discovered on my previous exploration tour.
Focus on a point of relaxation.
Like the images of a kaleidoscope, the snapshots blur before my mind's eye.
Images like mosaics, created by joyful reflections.
Assembled and shifted.
Back and forth.
My head is still being driven by traces of thoughts.
Unchangingly oppressive, I tumble on – an internal walk through the garden.
The shell of the surroundings.
A mandala. The labyrinth.
I have it in front of me. Slowly I walk forward - on my arm I feel the tickle of the long-grown grasses. My nose is awakened by a sweet scent.
It must have been here somewhere, the pavilion.
My hand trembles.
Rest. Breathe.
Well, there it is. At last.
Where is the entrance, wasn't it on this side just now?
I walk around it. Once. Twice.
The mandala in my head. My signpost.
For some reason I seem to know what I'm looking for. [The centre.]
The intersection of all my horizons and those playing around me.
Unknown parabolas. Translucent approaches to solutions.
I let myself be guided.

4 steps. Breathe.
Captivated in the cycle.
You will arrive. The Mandala. The pavilion - extrusion of the figurative. I see it and feel it. It is an image of what I carry in front of my inner eye. Elements of the present mandala, reaching up into the sky, pointing the way. Accept and follow.

I am no longer just a listener.


As if the cosmos is laid at my feet - lines that guide me. A projection of the indwelling onto a plane. The vision becomes clearer and clearer. My journey progresses.
It rustles.
My inner ocean now resembles a lake. Deep enough to drown but much gentler and clearer. Ebb and flow. The moon. A cycle.
Scraps of images flitting by, only moderately tangent my mental presence. A moment of coming back. The mandala. Inner peace through outer order. Concentration of the sublime encapsulated in my being. I am here. [Presence]

My eyes constantly closed - I mentally leave the clay layered shell of the pavilion. I feel security. Warmth. The ground, which has been enriched by the outflowing energies, now gives me care in my present being.

"[voice of Gomde]: One last deep breath. Each of us is omniscient. We only need to open our consciousness to listen to our own wisdom. [6] Feel the fluid connection of your being. And now step out to contemplate who you have become. [Namaste]"

Gently, as if I was being kissed by a dreaming breath, I open my eyes. Rays of light touch me softly. Astonishment. Together. And yet each for himself. I regain my focus. Vibrations circle through the high room and dance bouncing off the ceiling straight back to me. I look around me - it was with me all the time. The mandala. My guide and faithful pilgrim friend. I carry it within me, the centre.

My hand opens. The kaleidoscope glides aside, images leave my inner being. I have arrived in the extrusion of my presence.

[1] Peter Sloterdijk: Das Zeug zur Macht
[2] Peter Sloterdijk: Das Zeug zur Macht
[3] https://meditierenlernen.org/zitat-der-woche-zum-thema-meditation-feb-1/
[4] https://www.careelite.de/buddha-zitate-buddhismus-sprueche/
[6] https://www.schreiben.net/artikel/buddha-sprueche-13428/
01 Titelbild
02 Titel
03 Cloud
04 Text
05 Video
"sit. Let yourself drift. Trust and arrive"
"One last deep breath. Each of us is omniscient. We only need to open our consciousness to listen to our own wisdom. [6] Feel the fluid connection of your being. And now step out to contemplate who you have become. [Namaste]"
a project for -
"One last deep breath. Each of us is omniscient. We only need to open our consciousness to listen to our own wisdom. [6] Feel the fluid connection of your being. And now step out to contemplate who you have become. [Namaste]"
"????One last deep breath. Each of us is omniscient. We only need to open our consciousness to listen to our own wisdom. [6] Feel the fluid connection of your being. And now step out to contemplate who you have become. [Namaste]????"
"???One last deep breath. Each of us is omniscient. We only need to open our consciousness to listen to our own wisdom. [6] Feel the fluid connection of your being. And now step out to contemplate who you have become. [Namaste]???"
[4 out of one]
[placed in the dome]
[4] + [5] combined
[same same but different]

„In the frame of unfolding“

There is the main roof which covers the sensitive rammed earth columns. Then there is the surrounding roof which is stabilized by the wooden columns. Together they create an atmospheric feeling of an planetary ring.
We have got 3 elements made out of wood, the other ones are made out of rammed earth. maximum hight is aprox. 4m
The floor is used as a platform for meditation, workshops etc. It is embedded in the surrounding landscape and has a lot of steps to reach different levels. This creates awareness.
02 Text
01 Video
03 Construction
Someone is speaking - you hear it whisper?

The floor. RAMMED EARTH.
The nourishing foundation of the building.
A poetic allegory in the endless cycle of the natural.
Come along, let's listen!

Stories for attentive ears and eyes.
Feel the gentle extrusion under your hands and let yourself be guided.
Grains of the past lead the way into the future - the delicate dance of existence.

You can feel, you can be.
Together or all alone.

The clay speaks to us.

Like an open book, it reveals the ancient parchments of the worlds sensibility -
A realization of deepest emotion.

Again: lay your hand on it and let yourself be guided.

Braille in a class of its very own, the connection between past and future.

An invitation to silence.


The pavilion as an interface between two worlds, a transcendent space for like-minded people.
The walls, points of contact between two planes. The earthly and the extraterrestrial.

A space that resonates between dimensions. An extrusion of bundled fertility, sown on the nourishing shells of clay.


Space, a breathing element.

With every breath it tries to strongly inhale our shared worlds to exhale them verely afterwards.

Gently, like a veil, our stories settle and interweave with the universal.

A conversation begins.
Quiet and individual.

Frighteningly alive.

Everyone for themselves.

It pulsates.

Tangents. Parallels. Intersections. They shoot past my mind's eye. Mirrored like the geometric interior of a kaleidoscope.

Similar to an echo.
I am being dazzled.

The essence of my body fluctuates.
Everything flickers.
A web of indefinable size, based on the interwoven energies of ourselves.
The transcendent interior.

Past and momentum.
00 Renderings
02 columns
03 floor
01 roof
Somewhere in between: US.

Extrusion of our own being, projected and expanded through the interplay of elements.
The ground, clay, wood. The collective pulse - potentiation on a higher level.

A weave as a framework for unfolding.

Scripts of a metaphysical journey - (i have) arrived in THE PAVILLON OF EXISTENCES.
roof 8.2m x 9.74m
columns max. 4.30m min 2.5m
floor inner circle 4.8m total length 15m

„In the frame of unfolding“


„In the frame of unfolding“

SPEACH - in the frame of unfolding:
03 Construction